
Oct 16, 2010

Zodiac--who believes?

Aries (21/3-20/4)
Topics of philosophy and metaphysics may interest you today, says Ganesha. You may want to have a long philosophical discussion with your acquaintances.

Taurus (21/4-20/5)
You need to control possessiveness today, says Ganesha. Ensure that this does not affect your personal life. Try to be a little considerate and liberal towards the feelings of your partner. If you do so, you will be able to enjoy happiness in love life.

Gemini (21/5-21/6)
You may experience a strong desire to go on a mini vacation today, notes Ganesha. This vacation can either be planned with family or with friends.

Cancer (22/6-22/7)
Your career issues will take precedence over your personal matters today, notes Ganesha. Your actions will speak louder than you words.

 Leo (23/7-23/8)
Ganesha notes that you have all the strength to deal with adversities and difficulties today. Your ultimate aim is to emerge out as a winner in any given situation.

Virgo (24/8-23/9)
Your slogan of the day can be ‘live life to the full’, predicts Ganesha. You can spend time in relaxation.

Libra (24/9-23-10)
You had better start learning some new subjects today, says Ganesha. Your energy level will sour high.

Scorpio (24/10-22/11)
New subjects may interest you, Ganesha feels. Do not be too pushy or demanding, as it may spoil your image. You should avoid confronting superiors and peers at work place

Sagittarius (23/11-21/12)
You may be in high spirits today, feels Ganesha. It is a day to perfect your professional skills. Day is favorable for those associated with law and order.

 Capricorn (22/12-20/1)
You may spend your day making plans for your future, predicts Ganesha. The day is favourable for putting all your plans into action.

Aquarius (21/1-18/2)
Your new approach to old things will help you make your work more interesting. You will be able to add more dimensions to your work.

Pisces (19/2-20/3)
There is a sudden realisation about money’s value. You will now give more importance to saving and have your finances managed in more economic way, predicts Ganesha.

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