
Nov 1, 2010

Keep clean using Salt

Duro-Med 24 Handle Shoe Horn

1. All purpose cleaner: For an all-purpose cleaner, use a mixture of salt and vinegar, but don’t apply it to materials that may be sensitive to vinegar such as linoleum, marble, or waxed surfaces.

2. Brass or copper: For general shining purposes, mix together equal parts salt, flour, and vinegar. Apply to metal with a cloth, let sit about an hour, then wipe down and buff. For tarnished brass or copper, add salt to a squeezed-out lemon rind and rub down metal then rinse and buff.
3. Cast iron cookware: If your cast iron cookware is due for a good cleaning, heat it up over medium-low heat and add enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan. When it’s heated up, remove from heat and add two to four tablespoons of coarse salt to form paste. Scrub. Add more salt or oil as needed. Rinse off with hot water, wipe dry, and then coat with a thin layer of oil as usual. You can also use a little salt with hot water after each cooking, followed by a light layer of oil. This will keep your cookware clean and prevent rust.

4. Carpet: To get rid of a carpet spot, run in a mixture of equal parts salt, vinegar, and borax. Let this dry and then vacuum it up.

5. Chimney: Tossing a handful of salt on your fire on occasion is supposed to keep the chimney clean.

6. Coffee pot: To clean, add two to three tablespoons salt to the pot and bring to a boil.

7. Enamel: Cookware and dishes—Apply equal parts salt and vinegar and rub thoroughly.

8. Gold: Same as other metals, mix together equal parts salt, flour, and vinegar and rub down.

9. Hands: Use a mixture of salt and vinegar to remove garlic or onion scent from your hands.

10. Liquid spill: If a colored liquid spills on the carpet, like wine, dab it up and then apply salt to the still wet area. Wait until it dries and then vacuum.

11. Metal: For hardier metals like stainless steel, use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to rub down the surface, then rinse and dry.

12. Mildew stains: Apply a mixture of salt and lemon juice to the affected area, then hang to dry in the sun. Rinse and dry.

13. Oven: For general cleaning purposes, apply a mixture of salt, vinegar, and baking soda and scrub, then wipe off with a moist cloth. For oven spills while cooking, sprinkle with salt, let the salt absorb the liquid, and then wipe off.
14. Pewter: Apply a mixture of salt, flour, and vinegar and allow to dry. Then rinse and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

15. Pots and pans: If you burn food in a pot or pan, add salt immediately, which will help the burnt material come off easier.

16. Refrigerator: Clean with a mixture of salt and soda water.

17. Rust: Make a paste of salt, cream of tartar, and water and apply to rust spot on metal. Let dry in the sun.

18. Silver: For silver cutlery or other objects, line the bottom of a baking pan with tin foil, place silver on tin foil and cover with water. Add on teaspoon salt and one teaspoon baking soda. Bring to a boil and boil about five minutes. Remove from heat, let cool, and rinse.

19. Shoes: To help with odorous shoes, add a little salt from time to time.

20. Sink: To restore whiteness to enamel, make a mixture of salt and turpentine and apply to sink surface. Let sit about fifteen minutes then wipe off with damp cloth.

21. Sink drain: For regular cleaning purposes, boil water and salt and pour into sink drain.

22. For a clogged sink: Mix together1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1/4 cup cream of tartar and pour into drain. Then pour a kettle of boiling water and let sit at least two hours, and then run water to clear out.

23. Vases: Use salt to rub down deposit buildups on vases, then rinse.

24. Wicker: If your white wicker furniture is losing its whiteness, use a brush to apply a saltwater mixture and dry in the sun.

25. Wood: Try to treat surface damage to wood with a mixture of oil and salt by rubbing the mixture in and then wiping it off with a clean cloth. 

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